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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes, 09/16/2009
Minutes of Meeting – September 16, 2009; meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  
Present:  L Messana; KR Flynn; RN Sandlin; D Trancynger.  Absent:  J McNinch.
MOTION by KRF, seconded by DT to accept the Minutes of September 2 as presented.  4/0 vote.  

Room Tax Public Forum:  Various inn owners appeared before the Board to explain their plight.  Ellen Chenaux from The Birchwood Inn stated that while it is easy to increase the room tax , she feels that it is short-sighted.  Phil Halpern from Brookfarm Inn explained that things are not good, and that it is not a good time to increase taxes.  Norma from Cranwell Resort stated that an increase in the room tax is bad for business, particularly the corporate and group business.  Ann Brown from Blantyre explained that she recently hosted a very large wedding, and encountered issues with her grease trap.  She wants to see assistance from the Town when issues such as this occur.  Billy Soto from The Village Inn explained that with the BSO business shrinking, so will the lodging business shrink.  He feels that there should be more communication with regard to the budget process.  Lew Kiesler from Cranwell stated that the timing of an increase is unfortunate as his establishment is seeing a 15-20% decrease in business.  Frabrizio Chiariello from The Gateways Inn asked if the town had other revenue opportunities.  He would like to see his portion of Walker Street improved, and better lighting and signage directing travelers to the inns.  There was a general consensus that the Town needs to market itself as a 12-month destination.

MOTION by RNS, seconded by KRF to approve Article #1 of the warrant for the October 15 Special Town Meeting with language that would ask for an increase in the room tax of 2% effective
April 1, 2010.  4/0 vote.  MOTION by RNS, seconded by KRF to approve the other two articles subject to final wording being approved by Town Counsel.  4/0 vote.

BRTA Update:  The Town’s rep, Scott Laugenour appeared before the Board to update them on the proposed new routing of the BRTA busses.  They will provide service to Cranwell, Kripalu and Canyon Ranch as well as service to Great Barrington.  He explained that it is important for ridership to go up as the more income that is derived from Lenox ridership, the less Lenox pays in assessment.

LM gave an update on the retreat that the Board held on 9/2 by quickly reading the vision statement and going through the goals that the Board would like to work on.

Bjorn Somlo, Manager at Nudel, appeared before the Board seeking permission to allow customers to bring their own wine or beer (BYOB) into his establishment while he is waiting approval of an annual W&M license.  After a brief discussion, and confirmation that the servers are all TIPS certified, MOTION by RNS, seconded by KRF to grant permission to allow BYOB at Nudel  4/0 vote.

Kathleen Cleary briefly spoke, explaining that she is available to assist the Chamber in updating their web site.

LM presented the Fire Chief with a citation for the Fire Company’s 100th anniversary and commented on the wonderful dinner and dance which occurred on 9/12.

MOTION by KRF, seconded by DT to approve the consent agenda which included the following:  
a change of manager at Cranwell Management Corp. to Lewis Kiesler; the appointment of Jesse Briggs as a Relief FF/EMT for the Town of Lenox; permission to The Berkshire Harvest Restaurant to hang two temporary banners at their establishment for two weeks; permission to Yankee Candle Co. to hang a sale banner from their balcony from 10/5 – 10/12; a one-day W&M license to the Rookwood Inn for 9/26 from 6-9.  4/0 vote.

Old/New Business:  KRF thanked the Fire Department for their event on Saturday evening.  LM mentioned that Nancy Marasco had passed away.  She had served on the Historical Commission and Historic District Commission.  She mentioned that she has already had a conversation about making the Tub Parade larger and better next year.  It was announced that the Historical Society will be giving guided tours in the cemetery in October.  She feels that these are the type of events that make Lenox so special.  She then went through the September employee anniversaries.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                           Clerk
                   Assistant to Town Manager                                  Board of Selectmen

Mary Ellen Deming
Town of Lenox
Town Hall - 6 Walker Street
Lenox, MA  01240
phone: (413) 637-5500
fax:      (413) 637-5518